12 players competed in Vintage at Rudz today. Check out the results!”

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  1. Sam C - Jund
  2. Nick P - Grixis Painter
  3. Tim E - UG Merfolk (Decklist missing)
  4. Aaron B - Dredge
  5. Keith S - Two Card Monte
  6. Stephen R - Grixis Walkers
  7. Stephen B - Jeskai Mentor
  8. Chad M - Mono Blue Antiquities War
  9. Ben W - Ravager Shops
  10. Ben K - BUG Fish
  11. Ashby G - Merfolk
  12. Karttik P - Oath


Force of Negation on Cindervintes while Elvish Sprit Guide is in play. This format is great.

Deluge on 8 to kill a Goyf